Biosecurity - References

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Documents accessed online,  March 2015

CEN Workshop Agreement 15793:2011 (CWA 15793:2011):

Center for Infectious Disease and Research Policy: Review panel finds CDC weak on lab safety

Cooperation Agreement concerning Biosafety, Belgium. Belgian Biosafety Server.

Do-It-Yourself Biologist:

ECDC, CDTR: The accidental release of 45 litres of concentrated live polio virus solution into the environment – Belgium:

House of Commons (2008) Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee: Biosecurity in UK research laboratories. Sixth Report of Session 2007–08, HC 360-1, Volume I. Report, together with formal minutes:

HSE final report on potential breaches of biosecurity at the Pirbright site 2007:

POLICY BRIEF (Nov 2011) Implementing biosecurity in (bio-)scientific research in the Netherlands.

D Stemerding, K Murdock, B van der Meulen, F Brom, Rathenau University:

Inter Academies Panel (IAP) declaration (2007):

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Laboratory Biorisk Management CWA (CEN Workshop Agreement) 15793:2008 revised in 2011:

Miller S and Selgelid MJ. Ethical and philosophical consideration of the dual-use dilemma in the biological sciences. Dordrecht NE, Springer 2008. Report prepared by the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, at the  Australian National University for the Australian Department of Prime Minister an Cabinet National Security Science and Technology  Unit, November 2006.

REGULATION (EU) No 388/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 19 April 2012 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items:

Reuters, 31 December 2014 : CDC to hire lab safety chief after Ebola, bird flu mishaps

The Guardian, 4 December 2014: Revealed: 100 safety breaches at UK labs handling potentially deadly diseases.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Biosecurity Committee), advisory report: “Improving biosecurity assessment of dual-use research”. ISBN 978-90-6984-678-1. Pdf available at:

U.S. National Academies, National Research Council, Committee on Research Standards and Practices to Prevent the Destructive Application of Biotechnology. Biotechnology research in an age of terrorism. Washington DC, The National Academies Press, 2004.

The Virtual Biosecurity Centre (VBC) Is a global multi-organizational initiative founded in 2011 and spearheaded by the Federation of American Scientists, focuses on SynBio but not only. The VBC is a valuable source for biosecurity information, education, best practices, and collaboration.

WHO “Biorisk Management – Laboratory Biosecurity Guidance”: WHO/CDS/EPR/2006.6:

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Yong E (2012). The risks and benefits of publishing mutant flu studies. Nature News & Comment.