Past Events
ISO 35001 – An introduction into the biorisk management standard
03/11/2020 - 10:00 to 14:30
Online course of EBSA (European Biosafety Association)
63rd Annual Biological Safety Conference
30/10/2020 (All day) to 04/11/2020 (All day)
Annual Conference of ABSA International (American Biological Safety Association)
Blend your biosafety training - how to produce and use educational technologies
27/10/2020 - 10:00 to 14:00
Online course of EBSA (European Biosafety Association)
Biological Risk Assessment – How safe are we in our labs if we apply the risk based approach according to the new WHO Biosafety Manual?
22/10/2020 - 11:00 to 13:00
Online course of EBSA (European Biosafety Association)
EBSA 2020 online webinar
06/10/2020 (All day) to 07/10/2020 (All day)
Webinar of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA) on Covid-related issues.
Bachelier en prévention, sécurité industrielle et environnement
14/09/2020 (All day) to 30/06/2021 (All day)
Les études de bachelier en prévention, sécurité industrielle et environnement sont professionnalisantes. Le programme comprend des aspects scientifiques, techniques, environnementaux, règlementaires et de santé. Il inclut des aspects biosécurité.
EBSA conference 2020
21/04/2020 (All day) to 24/04/2020 (All day)
23rd Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA).
8th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress: Europe
04/03/2020 (All day) to 05/03/2020 (All day)
Exploring the latest developments in Omic technologies, breeding techniques and the application of AI IN Bioinformatics and phenotyping
Certificat en biosécurité (FR)
17/01/2020 (All day) to 26/06/2020 (All day)
Les objectifs de la formation sont d’amener les candidats à un niveau de compréhension critique sur les aspects théoriques et pratiques des situations professionnelles complexes. A l’issue de la formation ils seront capables de gérer l’ensemble des activités, de la sécurité et des risques.
62nd Annual Biological Safety Conference
15/11/2019 (All day) to 20/11/2019 (All day)
Annual Conference of ABSA International (American Biological Safety Association)
ESGCT 27th annual congress
22/10/2019 (All day) to 25/10/2019 (All day)
Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy.
International course Principles of Biosafety
16/09/2019 (All day) to 20/09/2019 (All day)
This international course provides a comprehensive review of all essential elements of risk assessment and risk management (Part 1) and highlights topics indispensable for biosafety practitioners to fulfil their tasks (Part 2).
EUROTOX 2019 - 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
08/09/2019 (All day) to 11/09/2019 (All day)
EUROTOX is a Federation of more than 40 European societies of toxicology representing 7,500 European toxicologists. EUROTOX2019 will offer a change to tackle with the burning chemical safety challenges of the next decade. The theme of the Congress is “Toxicology – Science Providing Solutions”.
The programme includes a session on "Advancing toxicological evaluations in resolving current policy controversies in GMO products". -
VIB Conference ‘Emerging applications of microbes’
03/06/2019 (All day) to 04/06/2019 (All day)
Conference on the latest applications and technological developments in the field of microbiology, with session topics such as metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, industrial biotechnology as well as microbial communities.
7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress: Europe
21/05/2019 (All day) to 22/05/2019 (All day)
50 presentations across five tracks. Application of novel gene-editing technologies, CRISPR and other ‘omics’ technologies to plant research. Plus, new streams dedicated to plant phenotyping & bioinformatics and plant & soil microbiomes
Workshop on the problem formulation for the environmental risk assessment of gene drive modified insects
15/05/2019 (All day)
The aim of the workshop (organized by EFSA) is to discuss plausible environmental risks of gene drive modified insects with stakeholders and EU Member States.
EBSA22 preconference and conference
02/04/2019 (All day) to 05/04/2019 (All day)
22nd Annual Conference of the European Biosafety Association
15th ISBR Symposium
01/04/2019 (All day) to 04/04/2019 (All day)
15th ISBR Conference: New Horizons in Biotechnology: Risk Analysis for a Sustainable Future
Formation continue en biosécurité (FR)
18/01/2019 (All day) to 30/06/2019 (All day)
Le certificat en biosécurité offre un complément de formation aux responsables de la biosécurité dans les laboratoires et milieux confinés ainsi qu’aux conseillers en prévention des secteurs industriels chimiques et biotechnologiques.
61st Annual Biological Safety Conference
12/10/2018 (All day) to 17/10/2018 (All day)
Annual Conference of ABSA International (American Biological Safety Association)